I am officially coming back to blogland. I know it's been about 2 years since I actually have been on but there's a lot of stuff I need to get off my chest and what better way than on here. I've lost tons of followers which is ok but for the ones that are still following can you at least spread it to some people because I'm in serious need right now and don't know what to do. I'm had a crappy day because of something (I'll explain later) and need some help. the gist of it all is that I think I might be a pedophile. I know how taboo that is but it's not like I wanna have these feelings I just wanna see if there's anyone on here, 1 person will do, that I can vulnerabley talk to about this. this is the best place for someone like this, right? and if I'm chastised on here than I don't know where else to go. so I'm making a plea that anyone wants or thinks they can help me, please do. I need it greatly and appreciate any help possible. I already feel that I'm becoming some freak so please no negative comments. thanks