Saturday, April 11, 2009

Medical Mysteries

dropping the guests off at the city to go see wicked (that play was wicked haha). my fams already seen it so were going to go see a movie right by the theatre. probly go see dragonball evolution (which looks like pooh on a stick) but just spending time with fam is good. that show used to be my favorite when i was little. the movie is an insult and ive been waiting for a dragonball movie since i saw the show. ugh movies sure can dissapoint easily. well it was between that or hannah montana (which reminds me of throwup on someones face). yea i know you like my depictions lol 

its the beginning of spring break and nothing exciting is happening... yet. waiting for my friends to get back from cape cod and then well hang out. hah one of them, greg,  is the craziest kid i know. so one day he said that his hand had been hurting a little bit after he fell out of a tree. i said it was probly broken but he said no and brushed it off. 2 weeks later his mom takes him to the doctor and after the x-rays come back the doc says "so when'd you break your hand?" he says "i didnt break my hand" (his pinky nuckel was pushed down to the middle of his hand)  not to say that i told him so, but i did. lol hes fine now. just a soft cast and me saying i told him so for awhile lol

i think i did something to my wrist while we were wrestling at his house cuz now everytime i move it it makes a clicking sound. not good lol. im injury prone so most sports arent good for me. ill just stick to tennis, soccer, and basketball. i usually get injured after every seriously not even exaggerating. it heals the next day but its still just annoying. i should be considered a medical mystery lol theres so many things wrong with me that i cant say (nothing gross for all you pervs haha) 

if i actually have any readers please post atleast a comment (just a word with be ok lol) i want to know if im getting anywhere or if i should stop in my tracks. well anyway see yall latuh. pyce


Anonymous said...

now this red cap gets a rap from his critics.


Chips said...

thanks. if I only knew what that ment

Anonymous said...

I once knew another guy who broke easily.

Ended up playing a game called Eaton Fives where you wear a glove on one hand and smash a small, hard ball against a concrete wall, cept it's like an open fronted box and there's a buttress too.

Certainly not the softest or safest of games. He was fearless though.

Chips said...

o yea ive herd of that game. never played it but it looks fun